Vegetables Australia January/February 2013
22 January 2013Vegenotes Issue #34
8 March 2013Attachment
- Stephen Rockley: Q&A young grower profile
- Gallaghers in succession (Matt, Brendan and Lawrence Gallagher)
- Growing is in the Ayres (Colin Ayres – teamwork)
- Pests & Disease profile
- Ask the industry with Scott Matthew: Aphids, crop management and pest control
- Soil solutions with Rohan Davies: Discussing differences between leaf tissue testing and petiole sap tissue testing
- NEWS: Potato R&D field day (Potato Industry Extension Program)
- Eat ugly fruit & veg says UN (United Nations Think, Eat and Save)
- Annual Potato Levy Payers meeting 2013
- Stellar speakers at 2013 Convention (Salah Sukkarieh and John Durkan)
- Racing into the next generation of growers
- Key industry leaders exhibit at Trade Show
- R&D: An insight into irrigation with Sam Birrell and Netafim
- Strategic Investment Plans (SIPs) for the fresh and processed potato sectors
- Controlling the bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)
- Seed certification systems in Australia: are they still meeting industry needs?
- Tap into efficient irrigation (Potato Extension Program projects)
- International R&D update: Fighting the Green peach aphid resistance