Vegenotes Issue #33
10 January 2013Potatoes Australia – February/March 2013
15 February 2013Attachment
- Thinking regional
- staying seasonal: Chef Mark Ryan talks about unique business relationship with growers
- William Churchill: providing a presence
- Lachlan Hauser: Q&A Young grower profile
- Delivering a direct alternative: Aussie Farmers Direct
- Scot Huff (DuPont): Publishing for a collaborative future
- Country of origin labelling: Are we there yet?
- EnviroVeg Phuong Vo (eggplant grower): Small acreage, big gains
- Soil solutions: Calcium uptake in plants
- Ask the industry with Scott Matthew: Silverleaf whitefly (SLW) and how to manage it
- Biosecurity Brief Dr Kevin Clayton-Greene heightening public interest in biosecurity
- Striving to find a spinach solution: ISS Institute International Fellowship winner Stuart Grigg
- Growing Productivity: Virtual greenhouse computer software called Undercover Grower