Vegenotes Issue #39
9 November 2013
Vegetable Grower Success Stories 2013
15 November 2013Attachment
- Chairman & CEO messages
- Around the states
- Cucumbers star for Carlo Pippo
- Jamie Jurgens: Laying the ground for future success
- Daniel Quattrochi: Q&A Young grower profile (Monika’s Organics, Golden Grove SA)
- The Hon. Greg Hunt MP: Environment Minister backs industry action on environmental management
- Senator Anne Ruston: Strong action and small government
- Ask the industry with Scott Matthew
- Soil solutions with Andrew Olley: Understanding phosphorus fertilisers
- Veggie bites
- Sneak peek 2014 AUSVEG Convention events
- EnviroNews: New EnviroVeg iPhone App now available
- International Horticultural Congress to convene in Brisbane (IHC 2014)
- Home delivery takes new organic turn: Aussie Farmers Direct
- Industry in the media
- Emma Germano wins Nuffield Scholarship
- Biosecurity brief with Kevin Clayton-Greene
- Enter the dragon: Asia Fruit Logistica 2013
- Project Harvest unveils Interactive Research Tool (Interactive Data Tool – Colmar Brunton)
- Australian vegetable export opportunities in Asia
- Carrot Growers’ Study Tour: Getting to the point
- Measuring consumer attitudes to insects and eco-labels
- Delivering RD&E bang for your levy buck
- Vegetable IAC Update
- Reader Survey