Field Walk: Cover cropping & strip-tillage, Manjimup, WA
27 September 2022Vegetables Australia – Spring 2022: On its way to your mailbox!
24 October 2022As the Soil Wealth ICP project approaches the end of Phase 2, growers and industry are invited to complete a short survey to help inform the design and delivery of the next phase of the project over the coming years (Phase 3).
The Soil Wealth ICP project provides R&D extension services, products and communication on improved soil management and plant health to the Australian vegetable industry.
Over the past five years, Applied Horticultural Research and RMCG have delivered the extension project on behalf of Hort Innovation, and are consulting with a wide range of growers and industry members to determine its impact and value.
This survey will be open until 21 October 2022.
On-farm and crop management