Survey: Share your thoughts on Soil Wealth ICP Phase 2
13 October 2022
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25 October 2022The spring 2022 edition of Vegetables Australia is now available to read online, and hard copies should be arriving shortly. This 108-page publication features the latest veg industry news, Hort Connections updates, R&D project reports and case studies, and the first in our series of profiles on the Hort Connections Awards for Excellence winners!
In this edition, AUSVEG provides a detailed overview of Hort Connections 2022, including the Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar, and some of the engaging speakers who presented over the three-day conference. We also start our series of award winner profiles with three winners of the Hort Connections 2022 Awards for Excellence:
- Marlon Motlop, Butler Market Gardens Environmental and Sustainability
- Sam Kisvarda, E. E, Muir & Sons Community Stewardship
- Tim Bond, UPL Tech Innovation
The VegNET regional development officers provide an overview of the activities, events and growers in their regions, while we do a deep dive on the Hort Innovation Vegetable Levy, including detailing the Strategic Investment Plan for 2022-2026.
This just a small sample of what can be found in this edition of Vegetables Australia, and you can read it all online. However, you can subscribe to receive future editions of the magazine for free by emailing communications@ausveg.com.au. Please provide your mailing address.
Want to read more? Previous editions of AUSVEG publications can be found here.
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