20 July 2012
Opportunities and challenges faced with emerging technologies in the Australian vegetable industry (Emerging Technologies for Production and Harvest)
Project report
Technology, Postharvest and supply chain and more
20 July 2012
Opportunities and challenges faced with emerging technologies in the Australian vegetable industry (Technology Platform 1: Supply Chain and Logistics)
Project report
Technology, Postharvest and supply chain and more
20 July 2012
Opportunities and challenges faced with emerging technologies in the Australian vegetable industry (technology Platform 2: Environmental Technologies)
Project report
Technology, Environment and more
20 July 2012
Opportunities and challenges faced with emerging technologies in the Australian vegetable industry (Technology Platform 3: Emerging Technologies for Quality & Safety)
Project report
Technology, Postharvest and supply chain and more
20 July 2012
Opportunities and challenges faced with emerging technologies in the Australian vegetable industry (Technology Platform 4: Emerging Technologies for Product Value Addition)
Project report
Technology, Postharvest and supply chain and more
20 July 2012
Optimal irradiation procedures for sterilization of Queensland fruit flies
Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
20 July 2012
Optimising Crop Management And Postharvest Handling For Baby Leaf Salad Vegetables
Project report
Postharvest and supply chain
Leafy vegetables and Other leafy vegetables
20 July 2012
Optimising Fresh Bean Quality Through The Production, Distribution & Marketing Chain (As A Model For Other Vegetable Industries)
Project report
Postharvest and supply chain
Beans and Legumes
20 July 2012
Optimising phosphorus fertiliser use on intensively managed pastures
Fact sheet
Industry data and insights, On-farm and crop management and more
20 July 2012
Optimising Production And Storage Conditions For Seed Potato Physiological Quality
Project report
Postharvest and supply chain, On-farm and crop management and more
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables
This project identified production and storage treatments that affect seed tuber physiological quality, and found significant correlations between seed performance attributes and seed and ware crop management factors. The report found that understanding the interaction between seed physiological status and planting environment will be key to developing recommendations for supplying seed matched to ware crop growing conditions.