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20 July 2012


Fact sheet
Industry data and insights, On-farm and crop management and more
Potatoes, Solanaceous vegetables and more
20 July 2012

Sweetpotato production guide for the Top End

Fact sheet and User guide
Industry data and insights, On-farm and crop management and more
Potatoes, Solanaceous vegetables and more
20 July 2012

Sydney Basin Vegetable grower study tour to California July 09

Project report
Environment, On-farm and crop management and more
Endive/radicchio/chicory, Leafy vegetables and more
20 July 2012

Taking stock of the Australian Asian vegetable industry

Project report
Industry development and communication, People and more
Asian leafy vegetables, Endive/radicchio/chicory and more
20 July 2012

Targeted inputs make sense

Fact sheet
Environment, Postharvest and supply chain and more
20 July 2012

Taste and health promoting factors of Brassica bioactive compounds

Project report
Industry development and communication and Added Value
20 July 2012

Technology transfer of integrated control of downy mildew on nursery seedlings

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity and Technology
Cucumber and Cucurbits
20 July 2012

Technology Transfer To The Australian Carrot Industry

Project report
Technology, Industry development and communication and more
Carrots and Root vegetables
20 July 2012

Technology Value Planning Study Of Value Adding Technologies For Australian Horticulture

Project report
Technology, Industry development and communication and more
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables

The project reviewed the drivers of value for consumers and businesses and considered the drivers of perception of value, global and Australian consumer trends and the changing business environment. The conclusions drawn were that while generally useful, the full benefits of the techniques developed were constrained by a lack of public domain data. Recommendations included the need to collect improved value chain data.