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20 July 2012

Therapeutic Compounds As An Onion Quality Parameter

Project report
Varieties and breeding
Onions and Alliums
20 July 2012

Thrips & Tospovirus resources

User guide
Pests diseases and biosecurity and Chemicals & pesticides
20 July 2012

Thrips and hydroponic lettuce

Fact sheet
Pests diseases and biosecurity
20 July 2012

Thrips and Tospovirus: A management guide

User guide and Other
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Leafy vegetables and Lettuce
20 July 2012

Thrips management in the green beans industry

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Beans and Legumes
20 July 2012

Tissue testing for phosphorus

Fact sheet
Health and nutrition, Industry data and insights and more
20 July 2012

To Improve Postharvest Handling, Storage And Processing Quality Of Atlantic And Cadima Potatoes

Project report
Postharvest and supply chain and Market development
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables

This 2-page fact sheet discusses tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) and pepper mild mottle virus (PMMV), their host plants and the symptoms they cause, how they survive and spread and the options for managing these diseases. These viruses are highly infectious and easily spread by contact. They can be carried on seed and can survive for long periods in crop debris and on contaminated equipment and clothing. Healthy seedlings and strict hygiene form the basis of effective management. Note that the application of insecticides does not control tobamoviruses.