Free levy-funded workshop to cover irrigation skills in Northern Territory
23 July 2018
Hort Innovation projects turning potato industry research into extension activities
23 July 2018Levy-paying vegetable grower-exporters are invited to apply to attend World of Perishables Dubai as part of the Taste Australia campaign, the biggest trade push in Australian horticulture history.
World of Perishables will be held from 1–3 October 2018 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, and is the only dedicated exhibition for fresh fruits and vegetables in the Middle East and the region’s most important platform for the fresh produce sector to meet and do business.
The anticipated travel dates for successful participants will be 30 September–5 October 2018. The program for delegates on this trade mission will include the following valuable opportunities:
- Building your knowledge of the local supply chain and participating in a market insights tour.
- Gaining introductions to retailers, importers and wholesalers in the market.
- Exhibiting and showcasing your products to international fresh produce buyers.
AUSVEG has a limited number of funded positions available for levy-paying vegetable growers to participate in this trade mission, facilitated through our levy-funded export work. To learn more about the benefits of being part of this massive trade show, take a look at this promotional leaflet.
If you are interested in exhibiting and being part of the AUSVEG delegation for this trade event, please contact AUSVEG on (03) 9882 0277 to discuss the options available.
You can download an application form to take part in this trade mission by clicking here. Application forms must be submitted to AUSVEG via email to export@ausveg.com.au, and applications close Friday 10 August 2018.
Image supplied by World of Perishables Dubai.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 24 July, 31 July and 7 August 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!