Gippsland Women in Horticulture to explore production, processing, provenance and participation
2 August 2018
Learn more about European food innovation with new Churchill Fellowship report
6 August 2018It’s been a huge couple of months for our industry and – as you’d expect – that means we’ve put together a huge edition of Vegetables Australia to recap the biggest event in Australian horticulture and all the latest research and development.
The July/August edition of Vegetables Australia magazine is now available online, featuring a wide range of recaps of the highlights from Hort Connections 2018 – from levy-funded events like the Global Innovations in Horticulture Seminar and the Australian Vegetables Export Seminar to off-site events like the levy-funded Reverse Trade Mission and the Horticulture Field Day.
Following the 2018 National Awards for Excellence, we’ve also profiled three of the winners: 2018 Grower of the Year Scott Samwell, 2018 Young Grower of the Year Chris McLoghlin, and 2018 Women in Horticulture award winner Rachel Mackenzie. Check out these interviews to learn more about these industry changemakers and their thoughts on our sector.
As always, the magazine covers research and development news as well. Some of our favourite stories include a report from participants on the recent levy-funded spinach grower trip to the International Spinach Conference in Spain, a recap of the 2018 European Industry Leadership and Development Mission, and a profile on the new project investigating area wide management of vegetable diseases (which we’ve touched on in an earlier edition of the Weekly Update).
You can access the full edition of the magazine for free through the publications section of our website, so take a look!
If you’d like to receive hard copy editions of Vegetables Australia (or its sister publication Potatoes Australia) for free, e-mail us at communications@ausveg.com.au with your postal details and we’ll sign you up.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 7 August 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!