New report: Future growth for potatoes. Current and emerging trends as drivers to growth and innovation by Kerri-Ann Lamb
22 September 2020
Young Grower of the Year reflection: Andrew Bulmer
28 September 2020Works at: Trodan Produce (WA) Pty Ltd. Pinjarra, Western Australia
Position: Quality Assurance and Customer Support
Hi David! Thank you for taking the time to chat to us.
Firstly – can you please give us a brief overview of the business you work for, your role within the operation, and the produce that you grow?
Primarily, Trodan is a vertically integrated salad and fresh produce business that supplies raw and finished product for local and export markets.
My main role in the business is to support the Managing Director and Pinjarra Farm Manager with Quality Assurance and Customer Relations. Currently, we grow a range of vegetables at the Pinjarra and Oakford farm 52 weeks of the year. The product range includes wombok, spinach, Swiss chard, rocket, red and green mizuna, red and green baby kale, bunching kale, corals and cos lettuce.
You are involved in the EnviroVeg Program, which is facilitated by AUSVEG. Can you please briefly explain to our readers what the EnviroVeg Program is?
With the annual self-assessment tool, the EnviroVeg program allows us to identify how we run our businesses – what we do well, what needs improvement and how we integrate these into the everyday farm practices.
After several self-assessments are completed, there is a documented trail of where the business was and where it is now, following current Best Management Practices (BMPs).
After the self-assessments are completed, grower can pursue certification. EnviroVeg has Freshcare as one of its partners in the program. It helps put growers on the front foot when the business, and the practices of vegetable growing, come under environmental scrutiny.
What attracted you to the program and what position do you currently hold?
EnviroVeg is an industry-led program aiming for continual improvement. It is always good to be at the front of the pack. I am currently the Independent Chair of the EnviroVeg Steering Committee.
What are the benefits of being involved in a program such as EnviroVeg?
Growers have a documented process that simply says, ‘this is what we are doing, and it follows current BMPs’.
In time, I am hoping this will give consumers confidence that the Australian vegetable industry is a good custodian of the precious land and water resources that it uses. This is a key element to producing the highest quality vegetables enjoyed by every Australian.
Looking at the EnviroVeg Program, what do you want to achieve over the next 12 months?
Constant improvement for the business, financially and environmentally.
How can growers get involved with EnviroVeg, or where can they go if they’d like further information about the program’s activities?
Sign on to the program as quickly as you can. It will undergo several changes in the next 18 months. Contact AUSVEG EnviroVeg Coordinator Danielle Park, or log onto the easy-to-use website and follow the steps to becoming a member. It is currently free to all levy-payers, so get onboard.
Find out more
Please visit the EnviroVeg website. An EnviroVeg Program update can be found here.
For help with accessing the EnviroVeg self-assessment, please contact AUSVEG EnviroVeg Coordinator Danielle Park on 0432 324 822 or at danielle.park@ausveg.com.au.
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation using the vegetable research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.
Project Number: VG16063
Each week, the Weekly Update will be featuring a member of the vegetable industry. Whether you are a grower, a researcher or work in the supply chain, this is a chance to showcase the different roles and areas within horticulture. If you – or someone you know – would like to be involved, please email Michelle De’Lisle at michelle.delisle@ausveg.com.au.