Managing food safety of leafy vegetables before harvest
21 May 2024
Tasmania’s broccoli and cauliflower is grown to high market standards
23 May 2024Project Code
Short Summary
This investment provided a category tracking service to allow various horticultural categories to better understand consumer usage and attitudes and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
Year Published
Project Provider
Fifty-Five Five
The insights gained from this program helped industry answer questions such as:
- How do consumer trends and movements in behaviours, usage and attitudes to fresh produce change over time?
- How do these trends and evolving expectations of consumers inform future demand opportunities for both the whole-of-horticulture, as well as individual industries?
- What perception metrics drive usage and purchase?
- What are the barriers to brand/category salience and purchase and how do we overcome these to drive future growth?
The program also examined the effectiveness of Hort Innovation marketing campaigns to determine how salient they are in market, what their impact is on consumer usage, attitudes and future purchase intent, and how effective they are at driving messaging comprehension and enjoyment.
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Watch the recordings of webinars relating to this project:
- Watch the recording of the Consumer insights in sustainability webinar by registering here for a DropboxTM link.
Project report
Consumer and market research
Market development