Cultural Business Etiquette Training
9 November 2020
Fact sheet: Soil health and water use efficiency
10 November 2020There are new health Directions from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), affecting seasonal horticulture workplaces.
The requirement for seasonal workers relocating from Melbourne to regional Victoria to present a COVID negative test to their employer has been removed.
The surveillance testing program remains in place and is applicable to all farms in Victoria.
This means an employer undertaking seasonal horticulture work must allow (and keep records of) DHHS to carry out COVID-19 surveillance testing on its seasonal workers at the seasonal Work Premises if requested.
All other requirements for seasonal horticulture (fruit and vegetable) remain in place, including the need for a Seasonal Horticulture Worker COVIDSafe plan; use of worker bubbles and other COVID safe practices; increased record keeping; and a COVIDSafe plan for accommodation and transportation where it is within the responsibility of the employer or labour hire provider.
Click here to read the new Workplace (Additional Industry Obligations Directions) (No 11).
Information on seasonal horticulture worker guidance and COVIDSafe plans can be found here.