VegNET shows growers the future of farming in Werribee
29 April 2018Gap analysis and economic assessment for protected cropping vegetables in tropical Australia
30 April 2018The EnviroVeg program is changing for the better: better resources, better useability, better connection to research and development, better harmonisation with other environmental management programs and better benefits to growers.
Certification for Freshcare Environmental, a fresh produce environmental assessment program, now underpins EnviroVeg: any certified members of EnviroVeg will meet the requirements of the program, which is needed to access EnviroVeg branding.
The self-assessment portion of EnviroVeg is redeveloping and moving online, and will be housed on the platform that contains Hort360. This move will add value not only to the self-assessment, but to existing program resources like the redeveloped EnviroVeg manual and new resources being delivered by the program.
AUSVEG Environment Coordinator Andy Shaw will be hosting an update for EnviroVeg members and industry stakeholders at Hort Connections 2018 on Monday 18 June, where he’ll show interested parties how the new program works and how it can be used to help you identify and implement environmental best practice for your farm. Get all the details on this relaunch event on the Hort Connections website.
For more information on these changes to the EnviroVeg program, take a look at the latest flyer.
If you want to start taking advantage of this valuable resource by getting involved in the new phase of EnviroVeg, click here to learn how to apply for the EnviroVeg Pilot Program!
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 15 May 2018 and 1 May 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!