Webinar: Planning for Summer – Irrigation and Water Management
26 November 2019
ABARES vegetable industry survey
26 November 2019The Department of Agriculture is currently consulting with industry of its intention to revise and increase the costs charged to exporters of horticultural products.
The Cost Recovery Implementation Statement Plant Exports Certification 2019-20 proposes the following key changes to export fees and charges. These changes include an increase in charges for:
- Implementing a tonnage charge of $4.90/tonne on exports to protocol markets, and $2.45/tonne on exports to non-protocol markets.
- Increasing the cost of a Phytosanitary Certificate from $38 to $113.
- Click here to see the full proposed changes to all charges.
AUSVEG will make formal representations and submissions to the Department of Agriculture on behalf of the vegetable industry.
Exporting vegetable growers are encouraged to review the Cost Recovery Implementation Statement Plant Exports Certification 2019-20 and provide any feedback/comments to the Department of Agriculture through the Have You Say online form.
The deadline for submissions has been extended to Friday 10 January 2020. Please click here to view the latest Industry Advisory Notice from the Department of Agriculture.
To discuss the Cost Recovery Implementation Statement Plant Exports Certification 2019-20 or the consultation process, please contact Michael Coote at AUSVEG on (03) 9882 0277 or email michael.coote@ausveg.com.au.