2022 Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar video recordings
9 August 2022
Fact sheet: Managing blackleg in potatoes
11 August 20222pm-4pm AEST | Tuesday 23 August
VegNET New South Wales and the NSW Local Land Service invite you to attend a field day visiting Paul and Karmjit Singh’s greenhouse cucumber crop in Bucca, NSW, where you will hear about:
- Water and nutrient management principles (Tony Bundock).
- Integrated pest management update (Sylvia Jelinek).
- Clean Coastal Catchments project update (Julie Dart).
- Varroa mite update (Melinda Simpson).
Paul and Karmjit will discuss their irrigation system, before a farm walk and afternoon refreshments.
Cucumber pesticide tables and greenhouse production books will be available.
Location: 131 Central Bucca Rd, Bucca NSW.
Click here to RSVP online by 19 August. Please advise of any special dietary requirements.
For more information, please contact Julie Dart on 0427 007 501 or Matt Plunkett on 0428 978 390.
Download the flyer here.
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Industry development and communication
On-farm and crop management