Fact sheet: Soil health and water use efficiency
10 November 2020
Case study: Inter-row ryegrass cover crop – a winner in snow pea production
10 November 2020What are the key pests affecting potato production in other countries and what R&D is occurring to better manage them?
This scan of international pest and disease research identifies:
- Current international research on key potato pests.
- Research previously conducted in Australia on these pests.
- Useful ‘ready to use’ resources.
For further information please contact Kristen Stirling or Doris Blaesing at RMCG on 03 9882 2670.
Program approach for pest and disease potato industry investments (PT17002) has been funded by Hort Innovation using the fresh and processing potato R&D levies and contributions from the Australian Government.
Pests diseases and biosecurity