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24 June 2018
New fact sheet evaluates impact of controls for damping off pathogens in spinach
25 June 2018The new Horticulture Code of Conduct includes a suite of revised obligations and responsibilities for growers who sell vegetables through an agent or to a merchant, and has been in full effect since 1 April 2018.
To help you continue to operate under the new system, AUSVEG SA has produced a new fact sheet as part of their work in the levy-funded VegNET program.
This fact sheet can act as a handy reference for any member of your team (or anyone else you deal with) about some of the key provisions in the new Code, including:
- Horticulture Produce Agreements, or HPAs
- Record-keeping requirements under the Code
- Enforcement of the Code and dispute resolution processes
- The penalties applicable for breaches of contract
The fact sheet is available in English and in Vietnamese.
If you need further information or would like further guidance about the Code and your obligations, visit the ACCC website, or refer to any of the following resources:
- A fact sheet on the Code
- Answers to frequently asked questions about the Code
- Information on how packhouses are treated under the Code
- Examples of ‘dealing in good faith’
- Information on what needs to be in traders’ statements to growers
If you have any questions, please contact the ACCC using the details available on its website.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 26 June 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!