Mobile pest surveillance unit to be launched at Hart Field Day on Tuesday 17 September
9 September 2019
Cover cropping podcasts – Growing Matters
17 September 2019Soil-borne diseases present an ongoing challenge to the Australian vegetable industry, with an estimated $120 million in losses annually.
Soil-borne diseases may be caused by fungi, bacteria, water moulds, nematodes and viruses living in the soil. These pathogens are able to survive for long periods on plant debris, organic matter or sometimes as free-living organisms, i.e. not requiring a plant host. The ability to survive for long periods in the soil, and often having a wide host range, makes control of soil-borne diseases difficult.
The Soil Wealth/ICP Team has published a practical guide to identification and control of soil borne diseases in vegetable crops. The book is divided into chapters based on vegetable crop families. Each chapter contains information on the identification and control of the major soil-borne diseases for each crop.
Each chapter covers:
- How to identify the most common soil-borne diseases affecting vegetable crops in Australia and conditions which favour disease
- Summary of the methods available for control.