Introducing a new in-field trapping tool for veg growers
17 November 2020
The advantages of Sunn hemp in veg production
17 November 2020Project Code
There has been a suspected detection of serpentine leafminer (also known as Pea leafminer) Liriomyza huidobrensis on field grown vegetables in Western Sydney.
The seven infested properties are situated in a peri-urban area of the Sydney basin and there are seven additional suspected infested properties.
Serpentine leafminer is an exotic leafminer species that poses a significant economic threat to Australia’s horticulture and nursery production plant industries.
It has a wide host range of plant species, which includes broccoli, beet, spinach, peas, beans, potatoes and cut flowers.
The pest is wind-borne and eggs, larvae and pupae can be spread through the movement of plant material, soil, clothing and equipment.
Click here to read more.
Pests diseases and biosecurity