Vegetables Australia – Spring 2022: On its way to your mailbox!
24 October 2022
Eyeing new tech to increase Varroa mite armoury
25 October 20223pm-4pm AEDT | Thursday 24 November
AUSVEG invites you to join us for the third of our Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar webinar series.
Australian vegetable growers have had a tough couple of years. Increases in the cost of production coupled with devastating floods have altered the economics or running a farm.
In this Zoom session we will look at what factors have effected changes in cost of production, farmgate price, and the weather over the last year and what tools exist to help growers prepare themselves for next year.
- Market trends in vegetable consumption and price (James Parry, Fresh Logic)
- Climate outlook and forecasting tools for growers (Rachel Davis, Bureau of Meteorology)
- Drivers of change in fertiliser and labour cost (Andrew Whitelaw, Episode 3)
These presentations will be followed by a moderated Q&A session.
Click here to register.
The strategic levy investment Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar 2022-2024 (VG21003) is part of the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund.
Industry development and communication