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20 July 2012

Scoping study for sustainable broadleaf weed control in cucurbit crops

Project report
Environment and On-farm and crop management
Cucumber, Pumpkins and more
20 July 2012

Scoping Study For The Management Of Oxalis In Horticultural Cropping Regions

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity, Industry data and insights and more
20 July 2012

Scoping Study On The Importance Of Virus Diseases In Australian Vegetable Cucurbit Crops

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Cucumber, Pumpkins and more
20 July 2012

Scoping Study On The Management Of Varnish Spot In Field And Hydroponic Lettuce

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Leafy vegetables and Lettuce
20 July 2012

Scoping Study To Assess The Application Of Precision Agriculture For Vegetable Production

Project report
Industry data and insights and Productivity
20 July 2012

Scoping Study To Determine The Soil Borne Diseases Affecting Brassica Crops

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity, Industry data and insights and more
Broccoli, Brassicas and more
20 July 2012

Scoping study to develop a regional biosecurity framework for the Northern Adelaide Plains

User guide
Pests diseases and biosecurity, International trade and markets and more
20 July 2012

Scoping Study To Investigate Management Of Root-rot Diseases In Parsley

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity

This report summarises the outcomes of a project studying root rot of parsley including investigation into primary causes and treatments for root rot within NSW, Queensland and Victoria.The 12 month study surveyed parsley crops in the major cropping regions of QLD, NSW, Vic to identify the main diseases affecting production in Australia, Identified the caues of root rot by conducting pathogenicity tests on fungi isolated from root lesions and established management strategies to control in victorian parsley crops and in doing so identified the types of organisms responsible for the disease.