20 July 2012
Shipping Trial Of One Pallet Of Active Packaged Broccoli In A Commercial Container Load To Japan
Project report
Postharvest and supply chain
Broccoli and Brassicas
20 July 2012
Snake bean
Fact sheet
Industry data and insights, On-farm and crop management and more
Beans and Legumes
20 July 2012
Soil acidity has an effect beyond the paddock Acid Soil Action Leaflet No 8
Fact sheet
Environment, Industry data and insights and more
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables
20 July 2012
Soil Fertility Management In Potatoes On The Atherton Tablelands
Project report
Industry data and insights, On-farm and crop management and more
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables
Soil fungi are microscopic plant-like cells that grow in long threadlike structures or hyphae that make a mass called mycelium. The mycelium absorbs nutrients from the roots it has colonised, surface organic matter or the soil. It produces special hyphae that create the reproductive spores. Some fungi are single celled (eg yeast). Fungi have many different structures but they can act in similar ways and thus are not as plant specific in their needs as some soil bacteria such as Rhizobia.