20 July 2012
Vegetable sowing calendar for Darwin & Katherine regions
Fact sheet
Industry data and insights and Productivity
20 July 2012
Vegetable sowing calendar for Tennant Creek and Barkly Region
Fact sheet
Industry data and insights and Productivity
20 July 2012
Vegetable sowing calendar for the Alice Springs region
Fact sheet
Industry data and insights and Productivity
20 July 2012
Vegetracker: Wave 2
Market study
Industry development and communication and Market development
20 July 2012
Viability of the NSW sweet corn industry
Project report
Postharvest and supply chain
Sweet Corn and Other vegetables
20 July 2012
VIEN secretariat support
Industry development and communication and Market development
20 July 2012
Virus diseases of cucurbit crops
Fact sheet
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Cucumber, Pumpkins and more
20 July 2012
Virus diseases of vegetable brassica crops
Fact sheet
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Broccoli, Brassicas and more
20 July 2012
Virus Monitoring Of Victorian Certified Seed Potato Authority Inc (ViCSPA) Seed Plots
Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity, Industry data and insights and more
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables
20 July 2012
Virus Testing Of Early Generation Certified Seed Potato Crops In Western Australia
Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity, Varieties and breeding and more
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables
The report on the virus status of Western Australia’s certified and registered seed potato schemes, highlighting the most prevalent viruses. Results from the study have been used by seed growers to identify breakout of viruses in the production pipeline , with crops exceeding critical levels of virus rejected from the seed scheme.