Agrichemical prioritisation workshops coming to Far North Queensland
3 May 2018
Feedback sought on Eastern Bloc approach to tomato potato psyllid detection
7 May 2018Need staff training for adherence with a quality assurance scheme? Contact AUSVEG and we can facilitate!
If you have training requirements in quality assurance, food safety, environmental assurance or another area, get in touch with us and express your interest through the AUSVEG Quality Assurance Training page.
AUSVEG’s Andy Shaw works collaboratively with the Freshcare Environmental program to specifically tailor resources for vegetable growers. The AUSVEG Food Safety and Quality Assurance resources page contains industry resources and information on compliance requirements and details the role AUSVEG plays in a number of important food safety and quality assurance areas.
An example of AUSVEG’s commitment to strengthening collaboration on the critical issue of food safety in the fresh produce industry is its support of the Fresh Produce Safety Centre, an industry-led, not-for-profit company established to enhance fresh produce food safety across Australia and New Zealand through research, outreach and education.
For more information on how AUSVEG can help with your Freshcare training needs, or to talk to us about food safety, environmental assurance or any other area of quality assurance, please e-mail info@ausveg.com.au.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 8 May 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!