Final report: Improved Protein Bait Formulations for Fruit Fly Control
11 November 2003Integrated Viral Disease Management in Vegetable Crops
24 August 2012Project Code
Short Summary
This project was undertaken to produce a Balanced Scorecard that compares the performance of the Australian horticultural industry against other agricultural industries across a range of economic, environmental, and social parameters.
Year Published
Project Provider
Access Economics Pty Ltd
This project was undertaken by Access Economics which was commissioned by HAL to produce a Balanced Scorecard that compares the performance of the Australian horticultural industry against other agricultural industries across a range of economic, environmental, and social parameters. This scorecard would monitor and gauge the impact and return from industry activities and rate both the impact and the return across subject areas and against other agricultural areas, helping HAL to better promote the Australian horticultural industry, increase public awareness, and secure continuous support through government. The final report has been written as an explanatory note to the Balanced Scorecard, which is considered to be the main output.
Project report
Industry development and communication
Postharvest and supply chain
Industry data and insights
On-farm and crop management
Market development