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4 June 2018The Veggycation website has been relaunched and revamped with a new look, offering an easy-to-use tool that showcases the nutritional benefits of different vegetables and explains the optimal methods to store, prepare and cook them.
This levy-funded website has been revitalised as part of a recent project, and the updated information and content on the site has been created to make it easy for growers, health professionals and the public to find the information they need about the vegetables they’re interested in.
The website contains useful information covering a huge range of vegetable lines, including:
- The general health benefits that each vegetable offers (such as being good for skin or eyesight).
- Information for growers on harvesting, storage requirements (including temperature and humidity), ethylene sensitivity and common postharvest disease concerns.
- Information for consumers on how to best prepare, store and cook vegetables to maintain their quality.
- Specific nutrients present in the vegetable and, for many vegetables, a detailed nutritional table.
The Veggycation tool also offers suggestions for consumers to help them learn more about related vegetables and better understand the range of crops being grown by the industry.
As consumers continue to show more interest in understand their food and what it can offer them, this is a useful tool for anyone looking to learn more about the role vegetables play in a balanced diet. It can also play a valuable role in reducing food waste by showing consumers the best way to store their vegetables to get the most out of their shelf life.
The website is also great for growers who want to communicate the health benefits of their produce, with the website offering health claims that have been pre-approved by Food Standards Australia New Zealand.
To take a look at the Veggycation tool for yourself, visit the Veggycation website.
To read AUSVEG’s media statement about the relaunch of Veggycation, click here.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 29 May 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!