Visit To North Asia And Attendance At The HOFEX ’99 And Asiafruit Congress, Hong Kong, May 1999
1 June 1999Project overview
Project Code
The AgriFutures Horizon Scholarship is an initiative supporting students enrolled in full-time study at an Australian university, providing a bursary of $5000 per year for the first two years of their degree; professional development workshops; annual industry work placements aligned with the scholar’s areas of interest and their sponsor’s industry; and opportunities to network and gain knowledge at a range of industry events.
Project Start
Project End
Levy Funds
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the research and development levies listed below and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.
Other Funds
Multi-industry project with contribution from other industries
Project Provider
AgriFutures Australia (formerly RIRDC)