This study investigates the outbreak of Celery mosaic virus in celery and related crops in Australia in order to enhance understanding of virus infecting Apiaceous crops, […]
Imagine a field of vibrant carrots, their orange hues promising a bountiful harvest. But beneath the surface, a hidden menace lurks. The carrot rust fly, a […]
This project was undertaken to help Hort Innovation and the Australian vegetable industry to understand the market opportunity for vegetable juices. Very little was known about […]
This project was an extension of project VG12078. Project Harvest aimed to identify opportunities for Australia’s vegetable industry through identifying trends in purchase and consumption, in […]
Project Harvest aimed to identify opportunities for Australia’s vegetable industry through identifying trends in purchase and consumption, in perceptions of value, retail channel preferences, triggers and […]
This project summarises the outcomes of a study involving late blight in celery also investigating the efficacy and economics of the TomCast disease forecasting model for […]
Victoria is the largest producer growing around 850ha of celery per year, about 65% of the Australian celery market. Overall, the celery industry is rather small […]
There is an increasing need in Australia’s horticulture industry to monitor and gauge consumer perception and behaviour in relation to fresh vegetables. Colmar Brunton conducts monthly […]
The vegetable industry is looking for ways to increase vegetable consumption. It was hypothesised that consumers might be buying fewer vegetables for fear of wasting them. […]
Project details the design and trial of a new packaging system that is more efficient, safer and more appealing to wholesalers, retailers and consumers. Related ProjectsA […]
Infotech Research conducted a series of 22 energy audits of levy paying vegetable growers in 2014, as part of a project with Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited […]
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is used to control pests without relying on pesticides alone. An IPM program greatly reduces the cost of pesticide, even though more […]
This report details the collaborative research undertaken by research teams from government agencies, private industry and universities, to develop new management options for the integrated control […]
The report provides a summary of research conducted by the Department of Primary industries and University of Melbourne to use genetechnology to produce carrot and celery […]
In 2002-03, approximately $4.5m worth of horticultural projects funded through HAL included a biotechnology component. Biotechnology is a modern field of science that will underpin advances […]
Growers of some horticultural crops are left exposed to greater production risk and can incur significant crop losses when pesticides are not registered for use on […]
Growers of minor vegetable crops are often left without viable methods of controlling pests in their crops. To assist these growers, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary […]
The paper summarises surveys completed in 1997 and 2000 to determine the incidence of Celery Mosaic virus in celery crops in south-west Australia and identify factors […]
Report provide details and outcomes a study into late blight celery which investigated efficacy and economics of the TomCast disease forecasting model for timing fungicide sprays […]
Infotech Research conducted a series of 22 energy audits of levy paying vegetable growers in 2014, as part of a project with Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited […]
This project allowed for the identification of the major and minor pests of celery, with the development of specific control measures including identification of biological agents, […]
Nine permit applications have been prepared and submitted to the APVMA for various fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides in a range of vegetable crops including beetroot, celery, […]
Celery mosaic virus (CeMV) causes a serious disease of celery worldwide. It also infects other members of the plant family it belongs to (Apiaciae) including aniseed, […]
The data shows pre-cut celery formats have registered double-digit volume and dollar sales growth, and has revealed retail insights about other vegetable lines.