New market research has identified multi-million dollar opportunities for the Australian vegetable industry, with Nielsen Homescan data highlighting key areas with potential for growing vegetable consumption.

By analysing data taken from 10,000 geographically and demographically representative Australian households, Nielsen has profiled demographic buying habits and exposed chances to gain, or regain, sales value for particular vegetable commodities.

“According to the latest opportunity calculator, by encouraging cucumber-buying households to buy cucumber as frequently as they did a year ago, the vegetable industry could achieve another $4.8 million in sales value,” said AUSVEG spokesperson Mr Kurt Hermann.

“In some instances, the industry could capitalise on already-increasing sales value – for example, we’ve seen an increase in the value of cauliflower sales on last year, and Nielsen have found an opportunity to gain a further $1.3 million in the senior couples demographic.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing 9,000 Australian vegetable and potato growers.

To help Australian growers tap into this value, Nielsen has provided them with insights for product positioning and showing consumers the key benefits of specific vegetable commodities.

“For some vegetables, like carrots and cucumber, Nielsen has found that it’s important to emphasise their suitability as a raw, healthy snack which can be eaten on the go,” said Mr Hermann.

“For others, it’s all about highlighting the benefits they can bring to a meal – like the taste and nutrition of celery, or the variety that pumpkin can add to a dinner recipe.”

“By taking this kind of information and combining it with other market and consumer research data, including the levy-funded Project Harvest study produced by Colmar Brunton, the industry can significantly improve its future performance.”

“We know that all vegetables deliver health benefits, and regularly consuming a wide range of vegetables is a vital part of a healthy diet, so advice like this is a great way for growers to help Australians increase their overall vegetable intake.”

Nielsen Homescan data and Project Harvest reports are available from the InfoVeg database on the AUSVEG website at They are funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


MEDIA CONTACT: Kurt Hermann, Assistant Manager – Industry Development, AUSVEG

Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0421 007 510, Email: