Growcom’s template HPAs assist growers in Hort Code compliance
Growcom has published templates to assist growers in the development of their horticulture produce agreements (HPA) required under the Horticulture Code of Conduct.
The templates have been developed with significant input from solicitors, growers and grower organisations around Australia. These templates are intended to act as useful starting points for negotiations around HPAs for growers and buyers, and provide a clear and easy-to-understand outline of the responsibilities of both parties.
All growers and traders must have a HPA which complies with the new Code, and the ACCC has the power to enforce civil penalties and infringement notices on both growers and traders. The only exemptions are if you trade directly with a retailer, processor or exporter.
While these templates are publicly available, Growcom strongly recommends that growers and traders have open discussions about developing an agreement that works for all parties. For more information, or to access the templates, please see Growcom’s website.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 20 March 2018.