AUSVEG is proud to announce today that Federal Minister for Agriculture, the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP, will address delegates as a keynote speaker at the 2014 AUSVEG National Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence on Friday 20 June at the Cairns Convention Centre in Cairns, Queensland.

The Minister is set to provide attendees with his vision and the Federal Government’s plan for the future of agriculture.
“With consistent engagement with our nation’s policymakers vital to the future of Australia’s vegetable industry, it is fantastic that the Minister for Agriculture will participate in AUSVEG’s fifth annual National Convention,” said AUSVEG Chairman, Geoff Moar.
AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.
Born and raised in a farming family in country New South Wales, Mr Joyce has since led an exciting political and business career, from running his own accountancy practice, to leading the Nationals party in the Senate and winning the seat of New England in 2013.
“The Minister’s speech to delegates is not-to-be-missed, and I encourage all my fellow growers to attend the 2014 National Convention and hear from one of the Australian vegetable industry’s biggest supporters,” said Mr Moar.
Mr Joyce will appear alongside a host of entertaining and informative Convention speakers, including fellow keynote and Visy Chief Executive, Anthony Pratt.
“The AUSVEG National Convention is the biggest event in Australian horticulture, and with five months to go, a spectacular line up of speakers and entertaining events is already coming together.”
“Cairns is Australia’s ultimate tropical destination. This year, AUSVEG is taking full advantage of the city’s ideal climate and hosting a variety of tropical-themed events for the enjoyment of all delegates,” said Mr Moar. 
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MEDIA CONTACT: William Churchill, Public Affairs Manager, AUSVEG.
Phone: (03) 9882 0277 Mobile: 0411 166 748 E-mail: