The Labor Party today released its “agriculture election platform” to the disappointment of the horticulture industry, by responding to the National Farmers Federation (NFF) election scorecard. 

The “platform” was released as a 17-page letter in response to the scorecard announced by the NFF last week. 

Labor’s policy response has disappointed the Australian vegetable industry after it has made numerous attempts to raise the profile of horticulture in Australia and as an election issue.

“Today’s announcement that Labor has based its response on the NFF’s election priorities in our view is misplaced. The NFF do not represent all of agriculture and they do not represent the interests of horticulture,” said AUSVEG Public Affairs Manager, William Churchill.

AUSVEG is the National Peak Industry Body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers and is also a member of the Horticulture TaskForce, a collective group of 16 horticulture Peak Industry Bodies that represent the sector.

“The announcement made today that the policy was only to be in response to the NFF document is disappointing. The Labor party has made the effort over the past three years to have dialogue with all groups in agriculture and the industry deserves a better policy where all views are considered,” said Mr Churchill. 

Labor has missed out on an opportunity to address Country of Origin Labelling reform, an area of policy that has been pleaded for by horticultural producers across the country, most recently at a farmers rally in Shepparton this month organised by the Seven Network’s Today Tonight.  

“Agriculture is a complex place and different industries place different priority on different issues.”

“Labor has let down farmers in Australia and has demonstrated its indifference to the views of our industry,” said Mr Churchill. 



William Churchill, Public Affairs Manager, AUSVEG. 
Mob: 0411 166 748 Phone: (03) 9882 0277 

Hugh Gurney, Spokesperson, AUSVEG.
Mob: 0410 047 432 Phone: (03) 9882 0277