Final report: Improved Protein Bait Formulations for Fruit Fly Control
11 November 2003Integrated Viral Disease Management in Vegetable Crops
24 August 2012Project Code
Short Summary
Helping horticultural industries access pesticides necessary for systainable production.
Year Published
Project Provider
AgAware Consulting Pty Ltd
This project was conducted to assist in the horticultural industries access to pesticides necessary for sustainable production, through extensive consultation with relevant stakeholders. Existing project selection, data generation and permit application systems were reviewed and refined to ensure that the evaluation process is as efficient as possible. Consolidation of existing permits for same pesticides across horticultural industries has taken place to improve the permit process. The report recommends the continuation of such processes and renewal of permits being undertaken in a timely manner, and transferral of the permit holder role to HAL.
Project report
On-farm and crop management
Chemicals & pesticides