New fungicides and strategies for sustainable management of Sclerotinia and Rhizoctonia diseases on vegetable crops in A
26 September 2012AUSVEG support to Vegetable Industry Development Knowledge Management Sub Program
20 March 2013In soil-based production systems poor soil health, soilborne diseases, soil salinity and increasing pressures on production are severely restricting productivity for many growers. In addition, vegetable growing regions are progressively being forced to the margins of arable land or onto non-arable land due to urban sprawl. Hydroponic systems can eliminate many of the problems associated with soil-based production systems and when managed effectively can significantly improve productivity. However many growers are reluctant to move into hydroponics due to set up costs, high technological input, and the lack of expertise available. Following consultation with many industry partners, the project has produced a best practice manual for conversion to simple hydroponics. Aimed at existing protected cropping growers interested in converting from soil-based production to hydroponics, it will also have application for growers looking to upgrade hydroponic systems. Demonstration sites were set up both within this project and under an adjunct project (VG08064) to develop and prove some of the concepts, provide information to growers via field days, and to develop a companion DVD illustrating issues outlined in the manual. Although the manual does cover basic management of hydroponic systems it is not designed to be another text on how to do hydroponics, but looks at the choices and decisions that need to be made before hydroponics is undertaken. It highlights the importance of having an overall plan for converting to hydroponics and how a step by step approach to conversion can make the process manageable and less risky. The manual aims to assist the grower to examine their reasons for converting to hydroponics, explains the basics of hydroponic systems and management, emphasizes what hydroponic systems can and cannot do for a grower’s business, highlights the importance of having an overall plan and outlines the steps in conversion. The manual also ensures growers are well informed of the disadvantages as well as the advantages of hydroponics and correct many of the misconceptions about the capabilities of hydroponic systems. The manual will also help growers put together a good financial plan projecting the time to get a return on investment in hydroponic technology.