2018 APEN Extension Skills Mentoring Scheme – Registrations open!
Have you ever considered being a mentor or being mentored? 2018 may be the year to give it a go through the 2018 APEN Extension Skills Mentoring Scheme.
Information about the mentoring scheme is available on the APEN website, including links to the information booklet and registration for either a mentor or a mentee at the bottom of the page.
Please submit your registration by Friday 16 February 2018. The pairing will be done by mid-March 2018, and the scheme will commence with an introductory web-conference in late March or early April.
If you have any questions, please contact facilitator Jeanette Gellard at jeanette@innovativeinfluences.com.au, or APEN secretariat Roe at info@apen.org.au or 02 6024 5349.