Australia’s leading agricultural research scholarship is once again open to the next generation of growers looking to unearth innovative practices and cultivate the global networks needed to drive change in their businesses.

Applications for the 2020 Nuffield Scholarship program opened on 1 April, and Nuffield Australia is urging young growers with a desire to drive their knowledge and businesses forward to apply.

This year, there are more than 25 Nuffield Scholarships on offer, each valued at $30,000. The application period will run until 14 June and focus on the 2019 theme of Collaborate, Innovate and Cultivate.  

In Australia alone, Nuffield has an Alumni of over 400 Scholars. Previous Nuffield scholars from our sector have focused on a diverse range of areas of interest, including:

Successful recipients of the 2020 Nuffield Scholarships will be announced during the Nuffield Australia National Conference. This will take place at the EKKA precinct in Brisbane from Tuesday 17 to Thursday 19 September 2019.

To keep up to date with the latest from Nuffield Australia, you can visit You can follow Nuffield Australia on Twitter: @nuffieldaust and #nuffieldag #producechange, or visit Nuffield Australia on Facebook.

This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 16 April 2019. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!