AUSVEG launches new video series: ‘Unpacking the Vegetable Industry’ – understanding the vegetable supply chain
AUSVEG, in collaboration with The Agricultural Collective, has launched a new video series titled Unpacking the Vegetable Industry.
The series features interviews with businesses, employers, and employees on horticulture farms around Australia to give potential workers and the broader public more information around what working on a vegetable farm is really like, and to break down some of the misconceptions on the career opportunities in horticulture.
AUSVEG is hoping these videos, which follows from its Grow Your Career in Horticulture series launched last year, will portray a new image of horticulture by highlighting the progressive, inclusive, and rewarding industry it truly is.
The series features interviews with real workers and real growers who discuss the diverse opportunities available in the industry and give a peek into the inner workings of different areas of the supply chain.
The first video, Understanding the Vegetable Supply Chain, takes a look behind the scenes of the production, processing, packaging, and transporting of vegetables.
Click here to watch the first video, or watch below: