FPSC launches new food safety resources
The Fresh Produce Safety Centre (FPSC), working with Freshcare, has launched three new simple food safety flyers for the fresh produce industry. The three flyers draw from chapters from the FPSC’s Guidelines for Fresh Produce Food Safety, and are easy-to-understand tools for businesses across the supply chain.
The three flyers focus on:
• Managing water
• Managing chemicals
• Managing people
FPSC Chair Dr Andreas Klieber said the flyers will be distributed throughout FPSC and Freshcare networks.
“We are keen to promote tools and resources to help everyone in our industry understand the key food safety issues and the practices we need to follow to produce safe, quality food, day in and day out,” Dr Klieber said.
“FPSC and Freshcare worked together on producing these flyers, and they are useful for the whole supply chain.
“We encourage all businesses, small and large, to promote these resources to increase knowledge and improve practices for optimum food safety.”
The FPSC plans to produce more flyers on other topics from the Guidelines for Fresh Produce Food Safety.
The flyers are here.
The Guidelines for Fresh Produce Food Safety is here.