Latest edition of Potatoes Australia and PotatoLink – now online
The latest edition of the combined Potatoes Australia and PotatoLink magazine is on its way to mailboxes around the country.
This edition features:
- Overview of Hort Connections 2022, including the winners of the National Awards for Excellence
- Grow Your Career in Horticulture profile and program information
- AUSVEG investigation into specials and promos
- International Farm Management Congress report: Ruby Daly
- Meet AUSVEG’s potato grower Directors
- Hort Innovation-funded R&D through PotatoLink
Potatoes Australia is the potato industry magazine produced and funded by AUSVEG to provide important news, trade data, biosecurity information and other industry research to potato growers across Australia.
To read the latest edition online please click here.
This is just a small portion of what is in this edition of Potatoes Australia, so if you’re not already receiving your hard copy, you can subscribe to receive future editions of the magazine for free by emailing Please provide your mailing address.