Using cover crops to manage mycorrhizal fungi for veg crops
28 July 2020Potato growers big winners from Australia – Thailand FTA
28 July 2020Harvest to Home is an interactive online dashboard that provides users with up-to-date retail information and consumer trend data on a range of vegetable commodities on a single platform.
All of the data is provided by Nielsen, which collates it through a home scan service, that surveys around 10,000 Australian households.
The latest Harvest to Home comprehensive review available is on Brussels sprouts, which states that overall volume consumption of Brussels sprouts is increasing.
The research found Brussels sprouts grew significantly in both dollar and volume sales across all retailer groups (+27.3 per cent in dollar sales compared to the prior year).
It states that for consumers, Brussels sprouts are more substitutable than competitive set vegetables.
To read the report click here.