The winter 2022 edition of Vegetables Australia is now available to read online, and you should receive your hard copy in the coming weeks. This 96-page publication features the latest veg industry news, Hort Connections updates, R&D project reports and case studies, and much more!

In this edition, AUSVEG provides a report on its advocacy activities and a further overview of election priorities. While the result of the election was still unknown at the time of writing, increasing input costs, the Ag Visa, the Horticulture Award and various codes of conduct were high on the agenda leading to the election.

March and April saw many regions in New South Wales and Queensland devastated by floods and extreme wet weather. In this winter publication, AUSVEG National Manager – Communications Shaun Lindhe provides an overview of the impact on vegetable producers from the floods, as well as an update from the Bureau of Meteorology on what we can expect for the coming months.

Meanwhile, the biggest event in Australian horticulture is almost here! AUSVEG looks forward to welcoming delegates to Hort Connections 2022, and this year there are a few key program updates. This edition outlines what delegates need to know about this year’s conference and trade show.

Honey bees are also a major focus in Vegetables Australia – Winter 2022. We take a look at two completed projects: Understanding and managing the role of honey bees in CGMMV epidemiology – a strategic levy investment under the Hort Innovation Melon Fund – and the Enhanced National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (NBPSP), a multi-industry project that was part of the Hort Frontiers Pollination Fund. The latter delivered nationally coordinated bee pest surveillance activities to help safeguard honey bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.

This just a small sample of what can be found in this edition of Vegetables Australia, and you can read it all online. However, you can subscribe to receive future editions of the magazine for free by emailingΒ Please provide your mailing address.

Want to read more? Previous editions of AUSVEG publications can be found here.

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