Market Disruptions Survey – Agriculture Victoria wants to hear from you
Agriculture Victoria is reviewing how it can best prepare for, and address, market disruption events and has engaged Deloitte Access Economics to complete part of this review. As part of the review, Deloitte is undertaking an online survey of Victorian producers, processors and distributors of food and fibre products. Agriculture Victoria needs your input to help them understand your needs before, during and after an export market disruption. The survey also gives you the opportunity to voice your views on what, if anything, you’d like the Victorian Government to do to manage export market disruptions.
Data collected from the survey will remain confidential, and you will not be able to be identified the responses you provide. However, If you would like have a one to one interview to discuss your thoughts on this topic, the last page of the survey gives you the opportunity to provide your details should you wish to be contacted by Deloitte to discuss your answers further.
Please access the survey here: