From 1 October 2018, the Emergency Plant Pest Response (EPPR) component of the vegetable and unprocessed potato levies and charges have changed from:

  • Nil to 0.01 per cent of the amount paid at the first point of sale for vegetables; and
  • Nil to 10 cents per tonne for unprocessed potatoes.

The funds raised through the EPPR levy will be used to pay industry’s share of costs to the tomato-potato psyllid biosecurity response and a 12-month Transition to Management program. Once the required funds have been accrued, the EPPR levy rate will return to nil for both vegetables and unprocessed potatoes.

The new rate will need to be used when calculating your quarterly return for the October to December period.

If you are eligible to lodge an annual calendar year return, you will need to use the following rates for all vegetables and unprocessed potatoes sold from 1 January to 20 September 2018:

  • 0.50 per cent of sale value for vegetables; and
  • 50 cents per tonne rate for all unprocessed potatoes.

You will need to use the following rates for all vegetables and unprocessed potatoes sold from 1 October to 31 December 2018:

  • 0.51 per cent of sale value for vegetables; and
  • 60 cents per tonne rate for all unprocessed potatoes.

GST does not apply to Australian Government Levies and Charges.

You can access information about levies and charges on the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources website for vegetables and potatoes.

If you have any questions about levies and charges, your levies account or how to lodge your return, please contact the Levies Helpdesk on 1800 020 619 or at

This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 20 November 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!

Levy component Rate from 1 January to 30 September 2018 Rate from 1 October 2018
Vegetables EPPR Nil 0.01% of sale value
R&D 0.485% of sale value 0.485% of sale value
Plant Health Australia 0.015% of sale value 0.015% of sale value
Total 0.50% of sale value 0.51% of sale value
Levy component Rate from 1 January to 30 September 2018 Rate from 1 October 2018
Unprocessed potatoes EPPR Nil 10 cents per tonne
R&D 48 cents per tonne 48 cents per tonne
Plant Health Australia 2 cents per tonne 2 cents per tonne
Total 50 cents per tonne 60 cents per tonne