Hort Innovation’s Annual General Meeting will be held in Brisbane on Friday 23 November 2018.

In mid-August, all levy-paying members of Hort Innovation received a hard copy letter as well as an email notification inviting them to complete an Annual Levy Return form, should they wish to obtain voting entitlements at the AGM.

If you are a levy-paying member of Hort Innovation and have yet to do so, there are two ways to lodge your Annual Levy Return:

  • Complete the Annual Levy Return form online by Friday September 28, 2018. Visit miraqle.com/HortInnovation and use your unique member number and PIN that you have received via hard copy post and email (this is a two-step authorisation process to help enhance security, and you need both the member number and PIN to log onto the online system); or
  • Complete the hard copy annual levy return form, received by mail. The hard copy form must also be received by Friday September 28, 2018.

If you have any questions about the process, your member number or PIN, please contact Link Market Service on 1800 660 083.

For more information on the Hort Innovation AGM, visit Hort Innovation’s website.


This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 11 September 2018 and 04 September 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!