Visy renews Strategic Partnership with AUSVEG

AUSVEG is pleased to announce that packaging giant Visy has renewed its Strategic Partnership for another year.
Visy provides a range of packaging options designed to enhance the quality of fresh produce. A strong focus on innovation means that Visy will continue to drive the industry forward and push standards of quality even higher.
Now entering its sixth year of partnership with AUSVEG, Visy is a proud and committed supporter of Australian horticulture. AUSVEG looks forward to the continuation of this relationship for the betterment of the industry.
For more information on Visy, please click here to visit its website.


New soil health product launched to help Australian vegetable growers

Omnia Specialities Australia has released a new soil health product that can help Australian vegetable growers revive their soil and increase the productivity of their growing operations.
OmniBio is a biological option for growers to increase future yields and decrease risks associated with low soil health. With crop root health depending on a healthy community of soil microbes that decompose organic matter and contribute to the biological recycling of chemical nutrients, OmniBio can help growers remediate and stabilise their soils.
Omnia Specialities Australia is a leading manufacturer of humate and fulvate products based in Victoria, Australia, with a company philosophy based around sustainable agriculture, emphasising the optimisation of the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil.
For more information on this latest product, please click here to visit Omnia’s website.


Seed potato certification

Hort Innovation has commissioned two projects on potato seed certification. These two projects are complementary; they are designed to build on the strengths of current arrangements and benefit all with a stake in the industry from minituber production to trade.
Project PT15005 is looking at governance arrangements and PT15004 is conducting a technical review and update of the current National Standard for Certification of Australian Seed Potatoes (2007).
Both project teams have been consulting with industry and key stakeholders over the past two months. Interested parties should make submissions or provide feedback by 21 May 2016 – see contact details below.
An earlier review (PT13010) and subsequent meeting of stakeholders in Melbourne in September 2015 has provided the starting point for these two projects. Further information on the background can be found here (see page 16).
At the completion of the two current projects it is anticipated that Australia will be able to further enhance its seed potato certification system.
Project PT15005 is looking at governance arrangements across the existing certification system to ensure they continue to meet the needs of regulatory authorities and all industry participants into the future. This project led by RMCG welcomes input from interested stakeholders.
Interested parties can contact Donna Lucas at

Project PT15004 which is operating in parallel to PT15005 is looking at the technical criteria of the current standard and a website has been created for people to make submissions. To access this website, please click here.

Interested parties can contact Russell Pattinson at You can also contact Anthony Kachenko, the Horticulture Innovation Australia Project Manager at

Seed potato certification projects are funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Potato Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


Applications now open for 2017 Nuffield Farming Scholarships

Nuffield Australia has announced that applications for its 2017 round of farming scholarships are now open. It is offering approximately 30 scholarships to primary producers and managers, with the scholarship program including attendance at the Contemporary Scholars Conference, partipciation in an international Global Focus Program and individual study programs.
A $30,000 bursary is available for successful applicants to study a topic relevant to their business and industry. The tenure is 16 weeks over two years, with six weeks to be spent overseas in the Global Focus Program, and flexibility available to complete the individual study portion afterwards.
Applications close on June 30 2016. If you are a grower between 28 – 40 years of age and are looking to expand your horizon in agriculture, please click here to view the flyer for the program.
More information is also available on the Nuffield website – please click here to access information on how to apply.

The vegetable Nuffield Farming Scholarship is funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


Practicalities for Exporting Vegetables Symposium – Speaker list now available!

On Sunday 26 June 2016, AUSVEG will host a symposium to discuss the practicalities for exporting fresh vegetables for Australian vegetable growers. This event will run immediately after the 2016 National Horticulture Convention.

The purpose of this event is to provide a practical overview of the export process, while also providing insights into the demand for Australian vegetables in export markets and enable growers to develop practical skills to assist with exporting fresh produce.
The speaker list for this Symposium is now available. The list of presents includes experts from across the export supply chain, representatives from Austrade and the Australian Government, as well as vegetable growers sharing their experiences of the export process.
Vegetable levy-paying growers can apply to have associated travel and accommodation costs covered.
Please click here to download the flyer for this event. To express your interest in attending, contact AUSVEG on (03) 9882 0277 or email


The Practicalities for Exporting Vegetables Symposium is funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


Calling all young growers to the NextGen Free Fall event

This year’s NextGen Free Fall indoor skydiving event is sure to make you pay attention to your next airline safety briefing.
Dow AgroSciences is proud to sponsor this year’s event, which is free for growers aged 35 years or younger who have registered as a full delegate for the 2016 National Horticulture Convention. Spaces are strictly limited and only growers who are registered directly with AUSVEG may attend.

When: Saturday 25 June from 2pm to 5pm
Where: iFLY Gold Coast

Transport will be provided to and from RACV Royal Pines and drinks will also be provided at the nearest pub to reclaim your wits after the event.
For more information or to register, please contact Mr Nicholas Schmidt at (03) 9882 0277 or
To find out more, view the delegate registration brochure or sign up online at


AUSVEG represented at Budget week

AUSVEG was represented last week during Budget week in Canberra, with AUSVEG attending the 2016-17 Federal Budget Dinner on Tuesday 3 May and the Opposition’s Budget Reply Dinner on Thursday 5 May.

To read AUSVEG’s comprehensive analysis of the 2016-17 Federal Budget and its impact on the Australian vegetable industry, please click here.


New Nielsen consumer research available

New reports from Nielsen consumer research into the fresh vegetable market are now available on InfoVeg. The results of research covering the year to February 2016 are now available, including regular analyses, reports, and deep dives.
Nielsen’s Homescan service records the vegetable purchases of 10,000 Australian households, with the data on these purchases then collated into monthly reports which can help the vegetable industry deliver products that best meet consumers’ needs.
A wide range of vegetable commodities are covered by these reports, including beans, broccoli, cabbage, capsicum, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, fresh salad, lettuce, pumpkin, sweet corn and zucchini.
The reports are available for registered users of the InfoVeg database. Please click here to read the latest reports, or click here to read all Nielsen reports.

Nielsen consumer research for the vegetable industry is funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


Don’t miss out on the Minor Use Education Symposium

The Minor Use Education Symposium will be taking place at RACV Royal Pines, Gold Coast on Saturday 25 June from 1-5pm.
The Symposium, hosted by AUSVEG, will feature presentations by experts in the field of agricultural chemicals from across the industry to provide growers and stakeholders with a greater understanding of the minor use field.
Fully funded positions are available. To see if you’re eligible or to register your interest for this event, please email AUSVEG at or call (03) 9882 0277.

The Minor Use Education Symposium is funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


2016 Reverse Trade Mission – Produce Display

All export-ready vegetable growers are invited to register with the AUSVEG Export Development Team to display their produce to 40 international fresh produce buyers at the National Horticulture Convention on the Gold Coast from 23-25 June 2016.
The Produce Display at the 2015 National Horticulture Convention.
AUSVEG will be bringing delegates from across Asia and the Middle East to Australia to participate in a range of farm visits that will showcase the Australian vegetable industry and to attend the National Horticulture Convention. A Produce Display event will be held on Friday 24 June from 10am to 1pm, giving growers from across the country the opportunity to display their produce to these leading buyers.
To download the registration form for this event, please click here (file will download in Word document format). Register to participate in this exciting event by returning the registration form to or call (03) 9882 0277 for further information.

Vegetable export market development activities are funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


New Minor Use permit


Permit ID Description Date Issued Expiry Date Permit Holder States
PER13567 v3 Active: Bifenthrin
Crop: Capsicums and tomatoes (field crops only)
Pest: Queensland Fruit Fly and Lesser Queensland Fruit Fly (Bactrocera spp.).
7-Dec-2012 31-May-2021 Growcom Bowen and Gumlu growing regions of Queensland

All efforts have been made to provide the most current, complete and accurate information on permits. However, AUSVEG recommends that you confirm the details of any permits at the APVMA website.
Users are advised that while the pesticide can be applied legally under the APVMA minor use permit, there can be a significant delay until the MRL gazetted by the APVMA is adopted in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
Until this occurs the MRL may not be recognised and a zero tolerance may be imposed for residues of the pesticide resulting from its use according to the APVMA permit.
Please be aware that in the absence of an maximum residue limit (MRL) in the Food Standards Code, the use of the pesticide according to the permit may result in the suspension of the produce in the marketplace. Please check the FSANZ website or the Australian Government ComLaw website to confirm if there are MRL established by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
Please consult APVMA documentation before applying any product to your crop. For more information contact the APVMA on (02) 6210 4701 or Growcom on (07) 3620 3880.
If an adverse experience occurs as a result of using the permit, please fill out a Non-Performance Reporting Form for Horticultural Pesticides and return to To download a Non-Performance Reporting Form for Horticultural Pesticides, please click here.
Minor use plays an integral role in the Australian vegetable industry. Please register your details on the Minor Use Database. For more information, please contact the AUSVEG Minor Use and Agronomy Coordinator Scott Kwasny on (03) 9882 0277 or email


This communication has been funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.



AUSVEG in the media

AUSVEG’s opposition to the Federal Government’s controversial backpacker tax made headlines this week, with AUSVEG Deputy CEO Andrew White appearing on radio across Australia. AUSVEG expressed its disappointment that the Federal Budget contained no changes to the tax, which will come into effect on 1 July and its fears that the move will act as a deterrent for young people who would otherwise come to Australia.
Mr White also appeared on radio discussing incoming changes to Australia’s Country of Origin Labelling System. Mr White welcomed the Federal Government’s action to reform Australia’s labelling system and said that the new food labels, which will begin to come into effect from 1 July, will help consumers identify what proportion of their food is Australian.
AUSVEG Manager – Communications Shaun Lindhe also featured in multiple online news stories following a research report that stated less than one in 10 children eat the recommended daily servings of vegetables. Mr Lindhe said that cementing healthy eating habits in children from a young age can put them in good stead for the rest of their lives.

Communication of levy funded R&D activities is funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Vegetable Levy, National Potato Levy and funds from the Australian Government.