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AUSVEG Weekly Update – 28 April 2020

In this edition: News on next week’s EGVID 2020, McDonald’s CoOL commitment, insights into potato Spongospora root diseases and much more!

AUSVEG Weekly Update – 21 April 2020

In this edition: Exciting news for the East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days, important IFAM update, new consumer campaigns and much more!

Weekly Update – 31 March 2020

In this edition: Syngenta renews Leading Strategic Partnership with AUSVEG, Hort Innovation’s latest Horticulture Statistics Handbook, Foodbank’s call for grower help and much more!

AUSVEG Weekly Update – 10 March 2020

In this edition: Vegetables Australia Autumn magazine out now, guidelines and resources for area wide pest management, webinars and much more!

AUSVEG Weekly Update – 3 March 2020

In this edition: Vegetables Australia Autumn magazine out now, guidelines and resources for area wide pest management, webinars and much more!