
This page provides an overview of whitefly pests in vegetable crops. The related tools listed at the end of the page provide detailed information about their identification, damage and management. It is important to be able to identify insect pests such as whitefly, and to have unknown species expertly identified so that they can be appropriately managed.


Whitefly – an overview:

Whiteflies are small sucking insect related to aphids, leafhoppers, and mealybugs. They are usually found on the undersides of young leaves and have the capacity for rapid reproduction when conditions are favourable. When leaves are disturbed in infested crops, clouds of white flying insects indicate their presence.

Warm weather, nearby whitefly host crops or weeds and poor hygiene in protected cropping structures increase the risk of whitefly infestation. They can infest a large range of vegetable crops. Whitefly spread with infested plant material and attached to equipment and people.

Whitefly as sap suckers

Whitefly can damage plants by sucking sap from the plants, causing reduced growth, leaf yellowing, stunting, and yield reduction. Damage is similar to that caused by aphids. Sticky, sugary secretions called honeydew from whitefly can result in the development of sooty mould, which in turn affects the photosynthetic (food-producing) abilities of the leaves. Adults and nymphs are usually found feeding on the underside of leaves.

Whitefly as virus vectors

Whitefly adults are an important vector or carrier of viruses which can result in enormous economic losses in vegetable crops.

Whitefly species, hosts and damage

There are two main types of whitefly: Silverleaf whitefly (SLW) and Greenhouse whitefly (GWF). A new whitefly – Bemisia tabaci Q biotype – has been found in Queensland vegetable crops. As with SLW (B biotype), Q biotype whitefly can transmit viruses, including the ToTV. SLW favours warmer and drier environments (25°C to 30°C) and has the capacity to breed more quickly than GWF. GWF prefers temperatures of 20°C to 25°C.

Whitefly speciesVegetable host cropsAppearancePrimary damage
Silverleaf whitefly (SLW) (Bemisia tabaci Biotype B)Cucurbits; capsicum; tomato; eggplant; brassicas; lettuce; sweetpotato; beans; beets.Adults are 1.5 mm long, with powdery white wings (held at a slight angle) and a yellowish body.Injects toxic saliva while feeding, causing silvering of leaves in cucurbits and irregular ripening and blotching in tomato. Produce honeydew, reducing plant vigour. Important vector of TYLCV and ToTV.
Greenhouse whitefly (GWF) (Trialeurodes vaporariorum)Greenhouse vegetables; leafy vegetables.Adults have white wings held flat and roof-like over the body.Plants may wilt, turn yellow, drop leaves and have reduced growth rates. Produce honeydew, reducing plant vigour. Important virus vector of BPYV and ToTV.

Pest management

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combining cultural, biological and chemical methods should be used to manage whitefly. Regular monitoring is important for decision making. Cultural practices that help to reduce or eliminate insecticide use is encouraged as these pests, particularly the SLW, rapidly develop resistance to insecticides. Long term SLW management requires an area-wide management approach, involving host-free periods and insecticide resistance management strategies.

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