Industry events
Keep track of events in the Australian vegetable industry using the AUSVEG calendar. If you have an event you’d like listed, use our contact form to get in touch.
Events listed in bold are part of the National Vegetable Extension Network (VegNET), a strategic levy investment project under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund which is communicating research and development information to Australian growers.
Science Protecting Plant Health, a joint conference being held by the Australasian Plant Pathology Society and the Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre, is being held at the Brisbane Convention Centre from 26–28 September 2017.
The conference will focus on the latest science, research and practice, with presenters from Australian and international experts in all the disciplines of plant biosecurity, plant pathology and entomology. There will also be field days and a series of workshops held as part of the conference.
For more information, please see the event website.