Vegetable Growers Study Tour – Germany, Netherlands
29 August 2014Project Harvest: Vegetable Consumer and Market program
18 December 2014Increasing demands on growers’ time and lack of perceived value have seen patronage of events aimed at delivering extension messages on research, practice improvements and general information to improve vegetable industry businesses and production practices wane. Goodwill extended by growers to attend events gained through past experiences with the presenters only lasts so long, and without good quality, well-presented topics that are requested by growers, this situation will not improve. “Continuing on-farm improvements through good practice demonstration and extension” provided both on-farm demonstrations and off-farm extension activities designed to encourage grower participation and create some ownership of the discussions. Growers were surveyed for topics of interest and were able to influence forum locations, times and formats. The resultant field days, farm walks, workshops and information night were well attended and received. Surveys at the end of the project showed that 94 per cent of people who attended the event increased their understanding and knowledge of the topics presented. Most importantly, of the people who increased their knowledge, 100 per cent were able to introduce practice change to their business that they believe resulted in better outcomes for that business. Five case studies of farms that implemented practice change that improved the farm’s production and business were published and distributed to encourage other growers to make small changes on their own farms. Additionally, an online fertiliser calculator will be developed to assist growers in applying the most economic and environmentally-friendly fertiliser rates. It is anticipated that this calculator will be released on the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia’s website by the end of March 2014. This project has been funded by HAL using voluntary contributions from industry and matched funds from the Australian Government.